NEXT week is her hearing appt. I also realized I never updated you on what the dermatologist said. He was not very good. He didn't even really look at her scar, so I asked for another referral and GOT IT. SO, now the next available appt. is in Sept. Tomorrow is her next round of "baby shots". I'm totally dreading it. I finally heard from the speech theropist today and "Ana's team" should start forming and figuring out her plan in the next week or two. Hopefully we can have a good handle on it by next month. However, everyday she understands more and more and is being very vocal...babble wise...and my friends seem to think she will be talking very soon. She says about 6 words now.
We have decided to put her back in the crib for now. We just don't think she can handle being in a twin bed. Even though she was in a toddler bed in the orphanage. The orphanage didn't have fun things for her to play with. (In her sleeping area.) The last two weeks have been and on again off again battle to go to sleep. We lay her down at 8:00pm and she would fight it until 10:00ish...drove us crazy. We wouldn't go in her room thinking if we ignore her she will go to sleep and we would hear her on the monitor playing. She would get out of bed and get into EVERYTHING just to stay awake. We took all her books and stuffed animals out of her room and she started climbing the dressers and tearing off her diaper. Just too stimulated to sleep because there was too much fun stuff to do...maybe she was afraid she'd miss something...DON'T KNOW...but she loves the crib and SLEEPS right away now. She is still so little, and until she climbs out...she's being caged! :) She's a hoot!
Hallo I absolutely adore your site. You have beautiful graphics I have ever seen.
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