Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Weekly Review

We had a speech therapist come out today to evaluate Ana and low and behold...she is indeed "behind for her age". We knew that and this is normal for her "life/background" but I want to be able to have enough information to catch her up as quickly as possible. We will be assigned a team who will work with her weekly on speech and our "American sounds". They are much different from Russian sounds. However, she only spoke about two words in Russian and she learns new words everyday so we aren't too worried. She doen't SAY the words but points to the object etc. She understands us so much better now and we have taught her a lot of sign language and she REALLY responds to that and uses it. So, I'm looking into a sign class also. Tomorrow (Wed.) is a dermatology appt. for her. She has a scar on her face and I just want to get it checked. See if they can figure out what it is from and how we can get rid of it. We are very involved in "kids stuff" now in the mornings. Monday is swimming. Tuesday is a 'playgroup'. Wed. is story time at the library. Thurs. is a workout class with your kid. Fri. I've left open. We try to be home in time for nap and then we hang out at the house in the afternoons... go swimming, go for a walk, play in the grass... until Marc gets home to "take over"! Pretty awesome life I must say!


At 9:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a cute little girl you have. I am so happy we are able to keep up with you through this blog. Thanks so much for sharing!!! Cant wait until next week!!!!
Love you guys

At 10:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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