Life with Ana...
SO NOW...we have to duct tape a sock around her foot as well as the diaper for nap and night night because she has a "boo boo" that she will pick at. We would go get her after naps and blood would be all over her bed. She picks off the gets in her hair as she sleeps... and blood would be everywhere....UCK! Duct tape the sock....problem solved! (Yes, "Brenda Kitty" is still by her side everywhere she goes!)
Oh my word. What else could you duct tape to your child? Sunglasses keep getting lost; duct tape. Barrettes fall out; duct tape. Won't stay in bed; duct tape. Perfect solution!
I hear also if you teflon-coat your child you no longer have to bathe them. It's a thought -- .
Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.
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