Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Popity Pop Pop Pop!

Ana had a blast with this bubble wrap!!! We have been busy this week! Ana had another evaluator come out to figure out this whole "speech therapy" business. This Friday she will FINALLY start her "program". However, we won't be with the state too long because they will drop her out of the system when she is 3 (in Oct.) and we will enroll her in the school system. I've already started the paperwork so that it is a smooth transfer. She is doing SO WELL with her words though. I'm just being cautious.
She had her post placement visit today and it went well. I think we get to keep her! :) Only 3 more to go. We also updated our home study for Andrew's paperwork. We spent all weekend redoing all the paperwork for Andrew's dossier. We have appt. with the doctor, accountant, police, and Marc's boss this week to finish his dossier and I hope to have it in the mail by Monday. Marc put in his preference's for our next assignment today. We will find out in Oct. SO Oct. is a big month for us! Ana turns 3, I turn 32, we find out our assignment AND we might have Andrew by then!!!


At 5:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Such a smarty!

Go look at the first pictures of her, she has gotten a lot bigger since then. And you guys were worried you'd get a runt. Pfft.

At 9:58 AM, Blogger Joel and Angela said...

She is so adorable! It really sounds like you are all doing so well! We may be getting Timber in Nov! Will you be there!


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