Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Happy BEE-day Party!

Our theme was "Our little BEE is turning THREE!" and it was a blast. Ana loves bees right now and I had a good time doing everything in bees! Happy Happy Birthday Girl!

I made a bee hive cake!
I had Albertson's make the cupcakes....they did a great job!
We have a green belt on the side of our house and that is where we had her party. We had about 44 people. We are so lucky to have such a wonderful group of friends! We rented this "jump jump" and ordered Bar-BEE-que, cole slaw, baked beans, fruit, and chick fil a nuggets! All Ana's favorites.
I don't know who had more fun with the "jump jump"! The little kids or the big kids!
Ana opening her presents. I had made bee antennas for everyone at the party. The kids loved them and the adults humored me!Who needs a "jump jump" when we have coolers of ice to play with!
Blowing out the candles on her cake!
Loving on her daddy! Her birthday is this Friday. We plan to open gifts from us and the family then. Thank you to everyone who have followed our story and who have been so supportive of our adoption of Ana. We are so happy and so blessed. I really do thank God everyday for every moment we have with her! WE are the lucky ones.


At 9:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Job Jenna and Marc!! Looks like the party was a buzz with fun! Jenna it looks like you picked up mom's talent for making cool B-day cakes!! Wish I could have been there! Love you lots

At 5:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a fun 3rd Birthday! You are so creative Jenna - I want you to throw Allie's next bday party!! Wish we were there to help celebrate with Ana!

At 6:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How much fun!! Jenna you are the best; like Erin, this reminds me of your mom. Do you remember Danny's first b-day. We celebrated at your house in KS and had a clown theme. She made it a very special memory for us. I loved the bees and the pictures. My favorite was Mark and Ana on the jump-jump. love you guys, Carol


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