Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Christmas Tree Shopping

Ana had more fun playing in the trees than looking at them! She chased this poor chicken around the entire nursery while Marc searched for the perfect Christmas tree. Did you know they bring in chickens to eat the scorpions and bugs out of the trees? I had no idea!
FINALLY after a couple of days of looking...Marc found the perfect tree! Thanks Daddy!


At 12:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We were just thinking about our AK Christmas trees and how much we missed those Charlie Brown trees...oh the memories!! Miss you guys!!

At 6:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So *that's* what the chickens are for. We were wondering.

We picked out trees for our backyard -- about time!

At 8:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We went to 5, no exaggeratin, 5 places before we found a tree that was not outrageously priced, dead or ugly. We ended up with a beauty, fresh off the truck at... Home Depot! Miss those days of cutting our own in Germany. Love, Carol McG


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