Good Bye to Alex
So after the psych. eval. Elena (interpreter) and Farida (Russian social worker) sat us down and gave us "the talk". It basically boils down to the facts that Alex is a Kazakhstan citizen (since his birth mother is) and can not be adopted through the Russian Federation. He will probably be deported to Kazakhstan. The Ministry of Education (big wig in this whole process) personally apologized to us and seemed genuinely sorry. She had papers of the birth mother from when she checked into the hospital with her passport that states she was from Kazakhstan when she delivered Alex. If she hadn't used her passport...this wouldn't have been as big a deal as it has become. We were now dealing with THREE countries to adopt Alex and the "red tape" is too thick to cut. So we had to terminate Alex's paperwork and EVERYONE was sad. This is international law that no individual can solve. We are dealing with countries that don't even have procedures for this issue. Please continue to pray for this sweet baby boy because no one knows what his fate will be including the administrators. Marc and I are doing okay and have a little bit of peace knowing that we will see Ana today and just be extremely grateful for her!
SO SAD...we hate to hear this. We hope you guys are ok. We will continue to pray for your safe return with your sweet little girl.
I hug you both. Any chance of starting paperwork on another little one while you're there?
So so sorry to hear that! I know you guys are just killed. We are thrilled about Ana. You guys look like a happy family.
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