Saturday, April 29, 2006

Twinkle Toes!

I think dance lessons are in her future! Perfect ballet pose don't you think? This picture was taken right before we had to leave. She is at the door to where her "group" is. I'm glad she wasn't sad to go back to her group. She walked in expecting us to follow her and when we didn't she looked surprised. We told her "Paca" (good-bye) and that we'd see her in 10 days. I hope they prepare her during this time to leave. I bet it will be a very hard adjustment for her. These 9 other kids are her "family" and the caregivers love her and seemed sad but happy today to meet us.


At 5:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marc and Jenna, the more I look at her the more adorable she is. Her personality really comes out in these pictures!

At 7:04 PM, Blogger Joel and Angela said...

So sweet!!!! She can dance with Katheryn and Claire anytime!

At 11:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

she is precious, maybe her and john baylor can be twinkle toes together some day! I am so happy for ya'll!!! I am in tears (of happiness of course) reading your journal. We cant wait to see ya'll. lots of love and hugs,
linette, lohnny and john baylor

At 5:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I keep this on the computer all the time, waiting to hear from you all. Boy how loved she is it almost shows. Love, Mom


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