Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Amazing Church

This church is down on the square and last time I saw it it was being worked on and was covered. It looks awesome and I'm so glad it is restored....so special. I had a dream about Ana last night and she was happy coming home with us. Yes, we are seeing tons of wonderful things, but Miss. Ana is still on our brains...


At 6:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, she will always be on your minds, welcome to parenthood. The church looks beautiful. You look so happy. Love, Mom

At 10:17 AM, Blogger KevinJenniferGordon said...

hey guys-was just thinking...can you even get your normal email there? i sent one yesterday-don't need a reply, but wondering if you can even view it?! how bout these comments-can you read them? (we couldn't in china). okay, talked w/a lady on a walk today. her friedns were in the ukraine for THREE MONTHS and were turned down in court. AHHHH! then, they went back and found out he had been hospitalized, so they left AGAIN empty handed. they went for the third time, FINALLY got him and are now home. had scary stories VERY similar to yours, like-being picked up at the airport w/ a lady holding their name, dropped them at a hotel; said nothing. they knew nothing, etc. hmmmmmm.i'm already praising God that your story is only semi-bad; right?! THIS IS YOUR TRIP! you'll be home with that beautiful happy girl before you know it. yippee!!!!PS eat some tomaten zuppen for us!

At 6:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations Mommy and Daddy,
I can't put into words how happy I am for the two of you. I was finally able to catch up on all that has transpired and am amazed at all that you have had to go through. What a sweet, sweet incredible day it will be when you step on American soil with that beautiful daughter of yours. The hugs, smiles and gentle kisses from Ana will quickly make all the frustrations of the last few months (heck years, I would say)a distant memory. What an exciting time! Enjoy Germany as Ana will anxiously be awaiting your return, to wisk her away and give her all the love and attention only her parents can give! We love you guys! Kristine, Brian, Cole, Lydia and Lyla!!!!

At 7:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got back from vacation and RAN to the computer. I cannot wait to meet that little girl! All three of you have a light in your eyes when you are together.
See you soon!!

At 10:01 AM, Blogger KevinJenniferGordon said...

okay, i told you i was going to make this my "myah's morning nap ritual....I AM....so where are you????"

At 10:54 AM, Blogger KevinJenniferGordon said...

my bad...i forgot how the hotels were in europe, NOT set up with internet access in the rooms, much less a bathroom. now i know how everyone felt when we didn't post for a few days!
guten tag!

At 12:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Sis & Marc,
Glad everything is working out for you both! I hope this works since I have never done a blog thing before....
What is amazing is that some of your pictures are familiar to me...type of buildings, this church, the table & chairs in front of the hotel...bits and pieces that make sense some how. Enjoy Germany and enjoy the parenthood you are about to enter with Ana!
Love you both


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