Arizona State Fair
We went to the State Fair with our good friends the Gempler's! We had a wonderful time and Ms. Ana couldn't get enough. All the yummy food, feeding and riding all the animals, and the rides were all so much fun. Ana wasn't afraid of ANYTHING. There was another "Coco" horse and a camel that she rode. She was just barely tall enough to ride the rides but 3 let her. The Gempler's have been great friends ever since Alaska and they have been so supportive and such a special part of our life and they move to Vegas tomorrow for their next assignment. Ana loves them just as much as us and Katy (their daughter) is her first best friend. It's very rare to find a friendship as theirs and we will miss them!
This looks like so much fun! Wish we could go with you guys to things like this!!
We didn't know the Gempler's were leaving already! If you think of it, send us an email and let us know which squadron they are going to. We have 2 sets of friends heading to Vegas around Christmas time, and both have children! Maybe they can all meet ahead of time on email!
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