Saturday, May 06, 2006

5 May - Triberg

Now that's a cuckoo clock for ya! The Black Forest area is known for their cuckoo clocks. SO many different kinds and styles. This town has tons of neat stores with everything from cuckoo clocks to grandfather clocks.
This waterfall is awesome! Another neat thing to do in Triberg and was a beautiful hike. We also bought a bag of peanuts at the entrance to feed the squirrels.
Can't leave the Black Forest without having a piece of Black Forest Cake...YUM!


At 9:05 PM, Blogger Joel and Angela said...

Beautiful pictures! It's giving us ideas for our trip to Germany NEXT WEEK! Joel has to get his flight physical so we are all trying to go now for a mini-vacation! Wish we would have known sooner so we could have been there with you!

At 2:11 AM, Blogger Joel and Angela said...

By the way, you got a good picture of the cuckoo bird! I thought they only came out on the hour!


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